Distrust Lives On

There are those who pass out pieces of their soul like candy. 

Trusting, loving, healing without thought

I am not one of those. 

Each piece I release I clench tightly in my fist, 

And that was my #1 rule.

For some reason, I broke it-

The hardened plastic I placed around my heart 

I decided to ignore for dreams. 

I was stabbed. 

So many found their way into my unfurled hand

And worned painfully into my soul,

Laughing at pain I forgave months ago. 

People I once trusted gently examined reached a grabbing fist into my core

And savagely ripped out my identity,

Standing by while others did the same. 

Those I never trusted gently examined each shattered piece,

Doing more than I ever hoped. 

My world turned upside-down at this moment. 

Head-over-heels I twisted into the depths of madness

As I pretended everything was okay. 

And instead of plastic, 

I patch the holes in my heart with steel, 

Clenching my fist until it turns purple, 

Never showing my soul again. 


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