Direction, Union, Bond
Once upon a time in a land not so far,
Teenage Carly May wished upon a star.
She wished for true love to come into her life,
But didn’t know quite what she wanted, nothing too serious, not to be wifed.
But then one day he came.
Although they hadn’t spoken and she didn’t know his name,
She saw his face and its golden glow
And knew he was her high school romeo
With his tan tinted skin and deep brown eyes, she simply could not escape his gaze.
He was the one she had wished for in her youthful lovestruck haze.
Charles was the name of the love of her life
But also the cause of her strife.
The way he looked at her, as if she were his queen,
Gave her a rush of euphoria like that of caffeine.
But some things about him irked her to no end,
Like the way he sometimes treated her like just a friend.
Some days he would ignore her
But still say he adored her.
Some days he wouldn’t speak
Making his personality quite bleak.
But nonetheless, she loved him so,
And prayed that one day he would grow
Into a stable and mature person
Whose social skills would not worsen.
It came to a point where she could not bare
To keep hope alive, to say one more prayer.
His behavior was so childish
That Carly may began to wish…
She wished that she could be set free
From the pain and struggle it took to be
With someone who could not show love
But would much rather try to shove
His emotions down inside of him
Until he was filled up to the rim.
He could show love at times
Yet it was so subtle she was forced to search for signs
That he was still the Romeo she had once met
And that she was not settling for average just yet.
Carly May realized that she deserved better
So one day while all curled up in her sweater,
She told Charles that their time had come
To move on from each other, and not feel so bummed.
That they had just been so “off” for quite a long while
So long that with him, it had become hard to smile.
So they went about their lives as young people do
And avoided each other, for that’s what they knew
Would be best for them in this time of heartbreak.
Yet Charles was determined that things were not over
Although insanity is where he drove her,
He knew his love for her was true.
His plan for her now was to swoon and to woo
Her back into his arms because he truly believed
That he had learned his lesson and they had both grieved
Enough for a lifetime, and too much for one heart.
He simply could not live with the two of them apart.
With his apologies sincere, and his mind extremely clear,
Charles professed his love to her in the beginning of the next school year.
He said he knew they were young, but he also knew he was the one
Who would be there for her and never ever run.
He said ‘Carly May if you’ll just give me one more chance
To show you that this is love at first glance,
I’ll prove to you I’ve changed
And can’t bare to be estranged.’
He gave to her a bracelet that said
Direction. Union. Bond...clearly their love was not dead.
She did not trust him but knew his heart was true.
She’d give him one last chance
But if he messed up again, this would be their last dance.
So once again sweet Carly May was happy with her dashing prince charming
The rate at which her happiness rose was quite alarming.
Both her and Charles knew they could make it last
For they believed they’d learned from their mistakes in the past.
Every weekend they’d be together
And fill one another with love till their hearts were light as feathers.
Charles, she thought, had improved
Until one day his progress was bruised.
He returned to his old ways,
Driving Carly May into a craze.
She should’ve seen in coming, so this heartbreak wouldn’t be so bumming.
She left him once again, in the interest of her own well being.
It was once again brokenness she was seeing
In her near future, from a heart re-broken.
But what else was she to do...leave her feelings unspoken?
So she lived with simply the memory
Of their love locked in the treasury
Of the deepest part of her heart.
As she stared at the bracelet he gifted to her
She read aloud its inscription through her tear-made blurr.
Direction, union, bond
This they would have forever.
Direction, union, bond
Their love was an endeavour
Direction, union, bond
She said as she cried a million tears.
Direction, union, bond
She read it one last time as her eyes cleared.
Their lust
Their love
Their eternal heartfelt ties
Were to strong to ever die.