I am from my parents. They've taught me many things to do and what not to do. When I was younger they decided they would be open, honest with me about things I wished to know or learn and so they told me. I am also from a family of secrets. Other family members won't be honest to me all the time, or they try and shelter me from something they think I shouldn't know. (Though they may try, the internet shall tell me! Ha!) I am from my parents though, so as I grew they showed me many things that helped me grow to who I am currently.
I am from the imagination, with Television, books, and music. I grew up watching Community with Troy and Abed (In the Morning!). They taught me how to imagine and be able to learn humor. Cartoons made me laugh and dance, wishing to be in their universe. Invader Zim made me laugh and cry wanting to rule this world (With an iron fist!) just like him. Music carries me through dimensions, from a darkened world that plays harsh rock music to a world of love and appreciation with a piano. I am imaginative, with Cloud Strife's sword, Erza Scarlet's demon armor, and Gon Freecss's courage.
I was taught to be different and so I am. My mind is open to many new ideas and thoughts. I've been told that darkness is always bad and the light is always good but now my mind disagrees! Who has the right to tell me no us that we can't be different or that there is only a black and white linning in life but it's grey! There isn't just one way to live and that's how I feel and I won't be sorry for being different. I speak weird, make weird jokes, I even make up random words so it will bring a laugh. I was taught to be different and be in my own skin and so I look at the world and throw my fist into the air! I am different and I like it! My differences may seem unnatural, weird, and even chaotic but that is me and I'll never say sorry for it. I am me and me is I I am weird and weird is me, I am from a place that is different for we all come from a place that's different so never expect me to be sorry for being who I am, for being different than you and you being different than me, so let's lay down our shields, and get to know each other because I am from a place that's different than yours and vice versa. So now tell me, where are you from?