Did We Ever Learn This?
Oh, no! Today, there's a big exam!
Calm down, calm down. Relax.
You studied for hours, even if it was a bit of a cram.
You can do this; you know it, and that's a fact.
Anxiously waiting as the minutes and seconds go by.
"You may not begin the exam until second hand strikes noon."
People whispering, pencils tapping, oh me, oh my!
No longer can I take this inevitable doom!
"Tests are passed out, but you may not begin."
Thanks for letting me stare at the trees that are killing me
Why don't you understand my struggles within?
This is making me twitch and shake, can't you see?
The second hand finally strikes the twelve
It's off to beginning this Highway to Hell,
But it's into the exam I delve.
First page done, and feeling surprisingly well.
Too confident, however, as the next page proves.
And the next, and the next, and every single page!
Well, there goes my testing groove!
Now, I'm a prisoner to my exam, trapped in a cage.
None of this shit looks familiar, not a single word.
You never mentioned the structure of trans fat.
I swear none of this have I ever heard!
How am I supposed to know any of that?
And I could see you in the front of the classroom,
Grinning as you watched me cringe in my seat
On my path to inevitable destruction and doom.
You just had to make me feel dumb with defeat.
You set me up to fail,
And you're getting paid to do it.
I'm paying for you to prevail.
That was your evil plan, wasn't it?
My sleepless nights and countless hours are all useless now
Because of this exam you made impossible to pass.
All I can say is wow;
Thanks a lot, you jackass!
How about testing me on what I actually learned next time?
By the way, my brain's so fried, I can't even think of another rhyme!