Diagnosis Day
The day when normality died
Died along with my body
All broken now
A high is like a sickness
Except ten times worse
It’s like I’m stuck in a desert
And I’m dying of thirst
My eyes get all blurry
And if maintained for too long
I get ketones and comas
And future health all wrong
Lows make me weak
Like I'm in a dream
But this dream is a nightmare
where numbers are deadly
The good and the bad
Causes seizures and Insulin shock
Make me weak
Make me sick
Because of the constant pricking and poking
Scars along my body
The day when normality died
Can't be society's normal
This is the new normal
Because of that day
But it’s different now
Back then it was Mom holding my hand
Choking back tears
So I could have room for my own
The brink of death was so close
I could almost reach out and touch it
They said I was lucky
But I ask myself
Lucky for what
Lucky for memories before now gone others fuzzy
Lucky for the constant price I pay for simply the supplies I need to live
Or was I lucky that I have this
This thing that makes me different
Am I lucky for that
The day when normality died
Organ failed
I know it's not my fault
But sometimes it doesn't seem like it
With the constant comments and jokes
Thrown at my face
Highs and lows
Each day is like a roller coaster
It’s been 2762 times around I’m starting to get sick