

United States
37° 7' 6.3156" N, 86° 32' 24.2412" W

I waken as darkness comes,
Swift and silent in its approach,
And I feel my weariness drift back,
As I welcome the Night.

I welcome it with no regrets.
Regrets are useless,
They have no purpose,
They benefit no one.

I am bold,
A true wild child,
Even if it doesn’t show through my poised and polite exterior.
I welcome the Night with no regard for the consequences.

I do not ignore the danger that the Night represents,
Nor am I ignorant of that danger.
Instead I greet that danger in a far more audacious, unthinkable way,
I welcome the danger… I relish every minute of it.

‘Tis a sweet danger,
Which haunts my nights and keeps me from sleep,
My eternal companion,
Forever my confidant.

I surrender to that same restless energy
Which claims me,
Night after night…
Only to slip away again at the first sign of daylight.

This mysterious energy is fleeting,
And I make the most of it…
I wrap myself in the danger of the Night,
Content with the uncertainty and chaos that permeates me.

This damned restlessness…
Forever my curse, my blessing…
It haunts my footsteps throughout the day, my hated and unwanted companion,
And yet, at night, it transforms into my life force, my drive, my ambitions and desires.

During the Night… Oh, my sweet Night…
I am released from hindrances, limitations…
There are no limits to the possibilities of what I may achieve…
Nor are there limitations as to what I may desire… And I desire so much.

My desires are intricate,
Twined together,
Revealing my most deeply-buried fears, dreams, hopes…
My Desires.

When I Desire something,
I Desire it wholeheartedly.
My entire being is focused on the object of my Desire,
Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul.

When I Desire something,
I give myself over to that Desire,
The need for it echoing within me,
Whether my desire be something simple, a mere trifle, or something more…

When I Desire something,
I lose myself in it.
I forget everything, everyone
Except for that one unfulfilled Desire.

When I Desire something,
I want it.
It is as simple as that…
I want it so bad that it hurts.

When I Desire something,
I can’t live without it.
My thoughts wind around it, binding me in place
Until the Desire overwhelms me, smothering me in its intensity.

When I truly Desire something,
I will do anything to get it.
I would truly do anything
If it would bring me hearts Desire.

But what is it that I Desire?
That one unmet need that, even now, calls out within me, waiting to be answered,
That one restless craving that haunts my every step, that deprives me of my sleep,
That is in my every thought, my every breath.

The thing I most Desire… is the familiarity of Change
In my life, Change is a constant, if unwanted, companion,
And as much as I hate it – I can’t live without it.
I cannot function with it; this I know to be true.

And so, when Change comes,
I surrender with good grace.
I surrender to Change, Darkness,
And I surrender to the Night.


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