Depression pending

Wed, 06/22/2016 - 20:57 -- Panacea

The only thing nostalgias done is back stab me a thousand times.
Only regrets remembered.
Only pain to fill the void and only shame to ease the pain and a shadow of neglect and abuse follows my name.

I truly believe life's some big fucked up game.
Were everyone's lost connection. Searchin and killing for tangible possessions and everyone with a voice speaks out of ego. I truly don't understand people. My species killing billion of animals. Ruining the world they live in. Slowly losing the clean air they're breathing. Forgetting that eventually we can't push our issues to the side. Everyday I come to find that its my kind that can't be kind and I pray I come find that in due time Others will see and seperate themselves from this sense of false unity. You aren't fine. This isn't fine. These buildings. Your title all part of the combine. Your worth can't be measured or even described and that's the true for all forms of live. Weve taken a miracle for granted. It's so hard to fathom how were all hysterically gather to sing a anthem. Putting bounderies and labels on mother earth turning it fable. Trying to complicated with all the races. Religions. Different faces. Too many towns. City's and places. I need a notepad to leave the country and I can't stay there forever. I'm in debt to who? I owe how many figures? I'm just trying to figure out how to make all this hypocracy and hatred wither. I'm just trying to make the pressure for my kin feel lighter than a feather. Lord please let my baby live with ease. Let my legacy breath and let my dream succeed. Maybe this will only work for me but I have to change my reality and offing myself seems like the only way for me.

This poem is about: 
Our world


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