What is that tearing and dripping sound?
A wrist slit and blood falling.
What is that slurping sound?
A drunk going into oblivion.
What is that swallowing sound?
Multiple pills going down a throat at once.
What is that muffled sound?
A person sobbing into their pillow.
What is that creaking sound?
A rope and child's play.
What was that popping sound?
A way out.
You may think this is all about death,
But you haven't even heard the rest of it yet.
It's like night and day,
And a predator tracking it's pray.
A muffled noise of sobbing sounds,
And constant thoughts of why I'm down.
We try to be tough,
Then get tired and fed up and scream "THAT'S ENOUGH!!".
Happy and Sad,
Occasionally Mad.
I lay down to hear the ground,
It's making a painful, moaning sound.
I have room to grow,
Yet nothing to show.
Hearts shattered,
Minds battered.
You feel all alone,
But more people know.
15 MILLION strong,
Of the thing people think is wrong.
Statistics show ,
What many don't know.
Leading cause for children is a stressful environment,
For adults it's forced retirement.
For some women it's birth,
For some men it's being on this earth.
Depression, Anxiety, Panic Disorder,
All leaving you alone sitting in a corner.
Old and new scars,
Seen from afar.
Some call it sick,
Sometimes it sticks.
Slamming a door,
Just to fall to the floor.
Out of thirty-three,
One child isn't free from this disease.
I look up at the sky,
As the world goes by.
I feel like I'm drowning
In a sea of dark clouds.
You all can stop messing around,
'Cause soon I'll stop feeling down.