That little triangle, seemingly innocuous
Delta, the Greek letter
Symbol of change, symbol of difference
Should represent our generation, our world.
Everything changes without stop
Progress marches forward, but one step forward, two steps back.
Bombshells fly, bullets strike, landmines shatter legs into a thousand pieces
Shattering legs like the shattered dreams of the men, women, and children.
So one step forward, two steps back,
But we should instead be dragging our shattered legs forward
Forward, onwards, past our pain and past our disappointments
And weave a new cloth of dreams from the threads of the old ones.
Same-sex marriage. A woman's right to choose. More accessible healthcare and education.
These are the dreams that we drag our stumps forward for,
These are the things that are right HERE, right NOW.
But only if we can make it so.
A small triangle, just sitting on the page,
Should now be the symbol of passion, effort, and the strive for something new under the sun.
As a great man once said, "Imitation is suicide,"
so let's put our hands and heads together and make a new world.
A better world.