The Definition of Greg

Sat, 02/16/2019 - 12:25 -- gcjr208

You can’t define ME!

You see I’m beyond what you perceive me to be


There’s only one ME!

You see everybody likes to compare themselves to others

And I’m definitely no exception

But you are a human being

Yeah, and so are the other seven billion humans on the planet

But I’m more than a Hue! Man!

So many different spectrums of race, nationality, creed, skin, and religion

All given from taking the X out of expression

Who told you what I am?

If so, why didn’t you ask it about you?

You can’t define ME!

I’m not in any of your dictionaries!

No conjugations cause

You can’t break me down into syllables

Just so you can digest this magic in your stomach

I am just that sick

Rich in infinity, and bigger than the highest calories

You can’t define ME!

No reason as far as galaxy, and father than we can see


There’s no one like ME!

Eye’s can lie, so don’t rely on what just your eyes see

My mind is limitless in capacity

Now can you tell me what’s the definition of Gregory?

This poem is about: 
Our world


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