The Deceased Sea
Mother Nature’s grand oceans and seas
Are worthless when we just let them be
All of us united, can plant trees
And renovate the ocean’s black seas
Upon the barren desert we lay displeased
In scorching temperatures that never seize
And reach 115 degrees
Honey cannot be made without plentiful bees
Take the oath, it is key
Promise to smile with glee
When viewing California’s Plum Trees
And its exotic dead seas
Take into consideration the melon trees,
Soft, light breeze
And lethal mosquito disease
What is done is done,
Freedom of the Seas
Protect the environment with appease
Do you feel the strong breeze?
The rush of the ocean, the yelp of the sea
Calling its people, the devotees
Wish to the plant a final farewell, said the Imperial Decree
The omnipotent voice, our God Tree
Magnify the palm trees, wild peas, and Bismarck seas
Because all that will live…
Is an Ash Tree