Death of a Champion
Achilles was a champion
Along with the bruises,
Came fame and money
He became cocky because
He could not mistake
Only he knew the secret
Of how he could break
A punch to the ribs
And he'd be fine
But a flick to the heel,
The bloodiest crime
And so he stood
On fragile fame
Not knowing that today
His downfall came
He slipped his secret
When he fell in love
But the girl just seduced him,
Vengance thereof
Her brother was defeated
But not her betrothed:
Paris of Troy,
Now information enclothed
When Achilles and he
Stepped into the ring,
Paris flipped Achilles,
And his foot took a ping
And that's the story
On how Achilles got pinned
Death of a Champion,
Like it was destined