Death, they say
Waits for no man
It preys on the weak
And motivates the darkness inside
The darkness that threatens our life.
I say,
Death is the light
Death is the thing that waits for us
When no one else does
Death is the clouds in the sky
When the rain threatens to silence the sun.
It is a bystander, in it all.
So when death comes to take my soul,
I will wait for it
Not run
Not hide
I will wait, as it has done for me.
I will not sigh or moan or cry
As it comes
I will not provoke sleep, or age, or knife
That took my light
I will wait and thank it for waiting
Waiting on my good days,
Waiting on my bad,
Waiting in the shadows,
Waiting in the light.
Thank you for waiting, I will say
And then I will die.
And it will be a happy day,
At my funeral they will say,
How much they miss,
How much they hate
The never-ending abyss
We all go when we die.
And they will cry
But their tears,
In vain,
It is beyond them to see,
That death will wait on them,
As it waited