Dear Vegetarians
Dear Vegetarians,
I am one of you.
A word that defines 4% of our youth
And only 3% of adults.
A definition that encompasses so much more
Than someone who refuses to eat meat.
A lifestyle that supports animal rights,
Showing that you are a peacekeeper, a progressor
And someone who won’t stand for an industry
That simply isn’t right.
But more importantly, it stands for someone who loves
Someone who loves animals equally
Just as much as your dog
Or cat
Or fish.
If you wouldn't eat them,
What makes the rest of the
Animal kingdom
The beautiful kingdom
Any different?
These animals
Are beautiful,
No two the same,
All unique in their own right,
All exploited for our benefit.
But see,
They’re living creatures,
Just like us.
With minds, and hearts
That beat and race
Just like ours,
Who feel fear
And happiness,
All mixed into one.
See, to be a vegetarian
Is to love these animals.
To love them for more than what they do for you
But for what they are in their own right.
This is something
That I am proud of.
Dear Vegetarians,
Continue to be the voice
For those who have none,
And loving those when the other 93%
Of America