Dear teachers
Dear teacher,
You've had many, many years of education
'tis wonderful, isn't it?
That's what makes it such a shame, then
that you're are without a doubt the stupidest person
I've ever had the misfortune of working with.
You, my lovely reader, may think
I have poor grades
Maybe I'm rude
Maybe I'm crude
Maybe I'm simply too rowdy.
No, good sirs and madams,
I am a good student.
All assignments turned in
All ducks in proper and square rows.
No, my dear teachers.
You have simply wasted your extensive education,
and now I sit in detention because evidently I've forgotten an assignment
Or, you've forgotten where you've put it
Or, you forgot to grade it
Or, perhaps you've given it to an unsuspecting homeless man.
You, my dear teacher, are a theif of oxygen. Curteosy of Rusell Brand
With warmest, sincerest, and most cordial regards,
A bitter senior in desperate need of a break