Dear Mirror
You provide a picture as realistic as can be,
Granting people far and wide with the ability to see
What others eyes gaze upon day after day.
But to keep myself sane, from you I stay away.
Narcissus is known because of you,
Now please oh please, tell me what to do.
I do not wish for this to be taken out of context,
But I have been for so long, vexed
With my long dreaded reflection.
You have lead my self-love is the wrong direction.
So mirror mirror on the wall,
I no longer wish to cover you with a shawl.
I crave to look into you and see
The beauty you provide for others, that I cannot find for me.
You are loved by many, and dreaded as well.
I don't wish to be vain, just want out of this hell
That you have created for others like me.
Yet I have been too focused, on your filigrees
To notice that you only reflect what is on the outside,
Not what's in, so maybe now, I will no longer hide.