Dear Life
Dear Life,
You are always sweet and melodic, while at once everything is slandered. Dear Life, you offer men with promises of love and hidden messages of hate and obscurity. Your lines are always bold but somehow blurred and I cannot seem to stand up straight within your grasp. Yet somehow, you hold me up and bog me down and sometimes I can’t move on. It haunts me daily until the inevitable friend and foe, time, swallows it up so that I can feel it no more. You show me grace and kindness but backhand me with pain and suffering.
Dear Life, when do you get sweeter? They say that bad is necessary in order to appreciate good. And do they have to be in that order always?
Dear Life, I am getting older and time has begun to wrinkle my skin with its laughter and sorrows. I woke up one lazy afternoon and was hit with whirlwind of where the time has gone. All of a sudden, I am no longer a child although I’d spent my whole life dreaming of being an adult. Dear Life, you smacked me in my youth and told me to grow up and gave me the pleasure of experiencing abuse after abuse after abuse. And Life, how I wish it were different but thankful it’s not all in the same breath.
It is what it is and it hurts and feels good. All of these experiences, the sunshine and the rain the juxtaposition- one after the other. Pain and then pleasure and pleasure and then pain. You, Life, give no two experiences that prove to be the same but we can be thankful that the sun will always come in the morning and that music will always soothe the soul whether blues or pop or jazz.
Dear life, I remember the days when I didn’t want you and I couldn’t see past the storm. It’s vague, but I remember watching the blood drip from my wrists because I couldn’t cope with your rain. And it took days that all meshed together and seemed like a haze filled dream but now I am awake and I can feel your warmth again. You, life, you send the kisses of the sun to my face even amongst the coldest of winter days and only if I allow will I feel its warmth. So, life, please always give me pain and always give me pleasure and please, please, may I always have the strength to wait for the sun to shine again.
Sincerely yours,
A 22 year old with growing pains