Dear Freshmen Self
Dear Freshmen Self
Freshmen fifteen is the least of your worries
The sky will be clear and blue one day
And suddenly turn gray with snow flurries
That’s how it is here in flagstaff
With mood swings of a giraffe
Because it can reach up high to a sunny sixty degrees
And drop down low to the single digits
Like the mega drop at the fair
And sometimes the slight breeze runs through your hair
Pushing and shoving and leaving you looking like a bear.
You’ll bomb the first exam
Nuclear energy crumbling your GPA
You’ll want to jump out of plane like a kamikaze pilot,
You think you’ll have to work at Denny’s serving grand slams
But just know that one bad grade isn’t your end
Your end is the day you give up
Up is the only way to go
Go and do your best, my friend
AP classes did not prepare you for this
It’s a rollercoaster with an unexpected twist
You think you know
And you overflow with confidence
But your test scores come back
A slap in the face
In high school you didn’t study
But now that’s not the case
Unless you want your night to be cruddy
Don’t procrastinate
Hold on to your folks
When they leave they won’t come back
Sixteen weeks without your father’s jokes
Four months without your mother’s homemade dinners
You might like the idea of ramen for a snack
Pizza in your midnight slippers
But in the end it differs
There is no place like home
Boys will come and go
Girls will walk all over you
The reason you’re here is not for the show
You’ve got a degree that’s due
Focus on your character and play the part
College is a stage with no applause
Don’t lose motivation nor heart
Say your prayers, eat your applesauce
Hold on to your dreams, spread your wings
And never forget you will do great things
Me, You, and I