Dear Brother
You say I am attacking all men
But in the same way that you loudly proclaim
not all men
Whenever any injusitice committed against women
Not all men are being attacked
No, brother, I speak for our mother's smile
that get's sadder year after year
I speak for our sister
and the fact that at any moment, she could lose
the wonder in her eyes
I speak for my inability to walk home alone at night
because even though I know
I am more likely to victimized by someone I know
I can't help being afraid of the strangers
lurking behind the shadows
I speak for my friends
who don't get paid as much as their male counterparts
I speak for the women, and young girls
who have been ripped of their innocence
I speak for the girls, murdered ruthlessly
simply becaue they said
Or because they are blamed for the hurt
someone else commited against their bodies, souls, and minds
I speak because as a woman, my worth is based on my sexuality
I speak because my worth is based on my ability to carry a child
I speak because my worth is based on my wifely abilities
I speak for the women who choose to never marry
and are harshly judged for this
I speak for the stay-at home mothers,
belittled for their choice to stay at home
I speak for the batterd wife, girlfriend, partner
and yes, I speak for the battered men as well
I speak for the men who stand by our sides
I speak for the men bullied for embraicing their feminity
I speak for the men suffering through depression,
the ones who chose to seek help,
and the ones too ashamed to seek help
And brother, I speak for you, so that one day
you may live in a world where you are allowed
to cry and nurture others
without being shamed for it