Dear the 40%
40% of marriages end in divorce
40% of vows taken are empty promises
Empty lies
Empty nothingness.
They take you, to have and to hold from this day forward
Until things get too hard and they just give up.
I understand why people change their minds
People say that they want to do something
Say something
Be something.
And then they suddenly decide otherwise
Like a switch has flipped in their brain.
What I don’t understand is why people change their hearts
People say that they love this
Love that
Love you.
And then they suddenly decide otherwise
Like a switch has flipped in their heart.
How can you look at someone you loved,
Once upon a time, and feel nothing
Feel empty
Feel hollow?
How can someone you once passionately loved
Now be someone you intensely hate?
How does someone fall out of love?
If you love someone, isn’t that forever
For always
For eternity?
Even if you could change your mind about someone
Shouldn’t the heart win?
Maybe in a perfect world
But this is far from a perfect world; there is mayhem
And fallout
And bloodshed.
Why should the heart not be a casualty
In this great war we call life?
I always understood why people change their minds
And maybe now I understand why people change their hearts
Feel nothing
Fall out of love.
It’s because someone can so carelessly give up their heart
And not spare it from the evils of the world.
So maybe I should change the salutation of this letter
To something more fitting to the situation, like Dear Mother
Dear Father
Dear My Broken Family.
And instead of just signing my name at the bottom
Sincerely, your three young children.