Dear, _______
Dear Drew,
I wish I could explain to you the things
I can’t explain to you
But I can’t,
Because I can’t explain them to myself.
And I know that phrase is getting old,
Along with all of the apologies
I throw at you after I overreact
About the things that are beneath us.
I wish I could promise you
That I will stop obsessing over
Every little thing
But If I promised you that
I would obsess over trying to keep my
And then I would be breaking my promise anyway.
Dear Drew,
I wish I could tell you how much I love you
Without you saying you love me more
Because I cannot tell you
That it’s just not true
Without explaining to you that
Loving you hurts
And then you would get the wrong idea
That maybe you are hard to love
But the truth is just that
Loving you hurts because I do love you more.
And it hurts for reasons I cannot explain.
And it hurts in ways i long to feel.
I wish you understood how deeply
And sincerely
And earnestly
I want you
To want me.
Because being loved by you
And being wanted by you
The way that I love you
And the way that I want you
Would ease this ache
I have in my heart
Because finally
I would know, without a doubt,
That I am worth it.
Dear Drew,
I am a mess
And I know that you know it.
I am difficult
In the sense that I am hard to understand
And I confuse you daily
And I make big deals out of things that seem silly to you.
And Dear Drew,
I hope you know
That everything I think
Or say
Or do
Is out out of one thing,
Maybe two,
- Love.
- And the fear of losing you.
And that seems backwards,
I know,
Because If I loved you
And I was truly scared of losing you,
I would try
To be different.
But Dear Drew,
I do try for you,
And dear Drew,
You know I love you.
And dear Drew,-
I know you love me,