The Day of the Fallen and Risen
(poems go here) Non. I hold no guilt of who I have forsaken.
You may cry for he was our brother, but I shall not shed a tear
I still will use my sword of fire once more at his throat unshaken
It is I who is like God; destined to fight him when the revelation is near.
Brother, you will see one day, as I that he has fallen far from God’s grace.
That Black winged dragon! A prideful murder! A corrupting, manipulating liar!
Oh God, forgive me of how I curse my once brother. The one who I embraced.
I lived with him and shared with him, I fought with him in the line of fire,
Oh Father! Now I point my fire at that monster. It does not only hurt you, Gabriel; it hurts me.
He my brother, how could I live in peace while he suffers in fire of God and mine?
How could I teach my other brother, while I know he cursed the other? I have no choice; I have to agree.
Because I am most faithful son. I must now protect my mortal brother from him that is my design.
I am the patron of righteousness, protection, courage, strength, confidence, truth, and celerity!
I am the Prince of Israel! The one of seven Archangel’s of God! The most powerful angel!
Now, I hide behind the clouds from my army I will lead. Now, I hide in heaven’s grace from my destiny!
I am heaven, such beauty. Now all you surround me, the leader, as if I was your guardian angel.
But where was I?! When his wings turned from white to black and when the angel of light went away.
What I was ordered to do, poor Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. What I need to do, poor cursed demon.
Yes, I am not the strongest angel and the leader of heavens army, but it’s not Sunday.
I am a prince who is tired right at this moment, an Archangel who is chosen, yet broken
In Heaven where I stand and where he has fallen; a frater nunquam ad surgere.
Don’t look at me in a way of pity. All of you are my family and my responsibility as the older brother.
But I will not delay if you become him! Oh God, forgive, ego amo Deus, ego amo omones, ego amare…
I have no words to say, but prayers to the other Archangels, my brothers.
Please Listen, Gabriel give me strength to lift my sword to protect
Raphael heal my heart to have no regret
Uriel, the new light, provide my soul with light to be perfect
Zadkiel provide my mind ease to know our side is always right and to never forget
Jophiel clear my vision, and show me the beauty of the earth for I can connect
Chamuel help me seek Father, for I have not lost Him and not seen Him yet.
Now, please leave this desperate leader to talk to his Father
And once done I will be blessed with power, armor, and my faith straighten
I will never show remorse for Hell’s ruler; my forsaken brother,
And I will always be known as the Angel who conquered Satan!