Daughters of Jerusalem


United States
41° 12' 15.0516" N, 96° 12' 20.682" W

“Emily”, she asked. “Are you… a liberal”
Well, someone has to be!
‘Cause something’s gotta change when kids are dying in the streets

We are the daughters of Jerusalem
Christ said to cry for our children
And how much is left of them?
How many have not been stolen by demons,
Corrupted by the efforts to stop the gnawing of their souls as they sit dormant in their flesh covered caves?

My eyes are red and raw from this sea I’ve let fall.
When they pierced His side, blood and water poured
The blood of the innocent and tears of their fathers on the floor
afraid to let anyone see them break
When have I seen a Just War?

What war is not fought by someone’s pride and joy, what war does not steal the child from his mother’s arms
Take the father from his family’s grasp
Rip wives from the hearts of their husbands?

Please, tell me more about the humanitarian need for your invasion,
Your virus infection to ‘defend freedom’
You’d not forget the oil under starving children’s feet
Economic advantages of blowing homes to pieces

I’ve heard the spiel, I’ve seen the plans
Forward for the sake of forward for the sake of Progress for the sake of whom?
Where did papa go? Where’s my sister now?
Who is going to love us when all the polling stations close?

I’m waiting for someone to vote for with a fervor,
I’m waiting for a time when I’m not choosing between the lesser of two
Will we live to see the day when we don’t have to choose between killing and letting them die?
Will there be a time when I don’t have to choose between men full of words packing our ears so we don’t notice or own souls cry?

They are drowning in their egos, afraid to let go
Afraid that if they call out, if they try to find solid ground it may hurt
There is no love without pain
Not life without suffering but this is not unjust
For every time I’m ripped open, there’s a new place to store another heart-full

'A lady does not talk about politics or religion
A lady may talk about things that do not so easily offend'
But I see their eyes, this country grasping for something to fill their chests
Shoveling sewage into their stomachs just so it won’t resonate when someone else drops filth down their throats

“Honey, if you take away the need they’ll never have reason to become productive members of society”

I understand the economic implications of helping the poor,
I’ve been told a few too many times to believe I can save the world
Yes, I understand people need to be responsible for their actions
But I also know that there are people, yes people like you are a person, crying out for God to save them
I’ve known pangs of hunger not contained to my stomach
It’s not a handout; it’s a slice of myself

Show me an inch of this soil not drenched in tears of those we seem to forget
In these pools can we not see our reflections?
When you look do you recognize the want in your eyes?
Do you remember the blood on your hands?
“Bleeding heart” you spit but guess what, Jesus’ heart bled too

Don’t kid yourself
Until we stop the us and them, us and them, us and them
This will not end until the us is us 7 billion and the
Them is the demons that try to live inside each one of

Isn’t this love what Christ compels us to?
Daughters of Jerusalem, I’m weeping for your children


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