Darkness In Us
We are consumed
By the Darkness in our own hearts.
It pierces souls in single moments of agony, rage, despair,
Clawing its way deep into our being,
Where we cannot reach It,
Until we find the Shadows seeping out again.
Our lies, our hate, our sins,
Find their way into that Shadowy Cavern
And fester there,
Waiting for another moment to draw It back out.
Years upon years of stinging lies, broken promises, bitter rage
Have made Its walls insurmountable veils, gossamer thin,
That hide all joy.
Our own minds force the shadows to the surface,
All of our rage, pain, hate
On display for the world to see.
In one sickening second we must realize,
We had a chance to forgive,
And now, it is too late to go back.
We have become helpless, careless, blind
To the danger that our lives our in,
Teetering on the edge of being beasts of pure Rage.
We have become blind
To the Darkness in our own hearts.