Welcome to my world or perhaps my heart,
That`s how most start, But in mine don`t you dare knock on that door,
But let me just tell you, welcome to darkness!
And in this ring called suffering,
Where the compass to joy, Seems to have no baring,
So we bare with this ring called suffering,
Darkness! Where no matter how white it can`t be noticed
unless there is light,
Darkness! Where fear is what binds,
Darkness! Where the blind yarn to see,
In this darkness! I bet even deamons dread,
Lives reduced from ropes to thread,
Where no one can claim that is mine,
Where seven`s and sixetynine`s are numbers
not drawn by hand but forcefully by bodies,
So please! Doon`t you dare knock on that door,
But the gate to happiness seems to be narrow,shallow,voices,facial,
watch me cry,watch me frawn,
Naked, bare water is what I need to quench my thirst for better living,
I can`t do the talking neither the walking,
I need a peace of mind but I have no peace in me,
Dance to the tune,"Music" But to me, Gunshots has being the lyrics,
So I dream of protection,