The darkest day

Todays the day, the darkest day
The day you die, the time to say goodbye. 
Todays the day, the darkest day

The world just stops, theres nothing left
All gone now its time to rest
Todays the day, the darkest day

Dont let go now, hold on tight
Let me leave, make things right
Todays the day, the darkest day


Ive hurt you so, not sorry though
It feels so wrong the pain ive caused
Todays the day the darkest day

Just stop right now do not look back
Here ends your life its time to die
Todays the day, the darkest day. 

Caleb Carrasco -The Darkest Day



The repetition of 'Today's the day, the darkest day" strongly emphasize just how dark the day in question is. Furthermore, it forces the reader to more closely investigate the meaning of the poem, resulting in a poem which not only establishes its own emotive meaning, but which instigates some level of inquisition on the reader's part--which is always a desired effect in poetry.

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