Just because I am a darker skin color
I am not ghetto
I am not out of what's "acceptable"
I am not white washed
I am more intelligent than you think
Just because I am nonexistent in your household
I am not messy
I am not loud
I do not want fried chicken...maybe
I am not impolite or rude
I am out of the ordinary
But just because I am out of the ordinary
No, I am not related to the other thick, curly haired, dark skinned person across the way
I do not only listen to hip hop
And oh my gosh NO!
I am not a baby mama, nor do I have short hair under my braids
I am an intellectual
I am a human being
Just because I am a darker skin color
I am not just another angry black person
I am not stereotyping you, no honey it's usually the other way around
I am not who you think I am classufied to be
I am someone looking for respect
And I am proud to be brown and out of the ordinary