dark thoughts
With the break of day approaching..
a young boy strugles in his deep sleep...
tormented by his folks past misfortunes...the demons they thought they had gotten rid of..
trapped in a worl new to him he is lost..with no light insight he feels the sudden pressure of the lonely cold air
behind the dark clouds he heard the outlandish voice that brought chilles to his spine
it called him out......
to tha darkside..his thoughts of truth destroyed ,replaced with lies....hate.....
he became his pawn of detruction.....the devil took his inocence
he sees not that which is before him..the light is gone all of a sudden...he flees to tha corner
and as metaphorical bullets massaged his chest the pain...the pain is just too much to take...
all left in his mind is death.....death...death..suicidal tendencies....comtimplations of bad sin...
tears in his eyess........
wets his bed as he fights in the abyss.......of his psycological trap...
till finnaly tha door opens up to let the light in...finally he opens his eyes.....weak ,he falls to his knees
not by choice..grovels on the cold floor...weak ,,he looks up and calls out for help from the havens....
though he doesnt really believe...he calls up......from the top of his lungs...."GOD",
three times till his snares snap..darkness flees......
he ....