Dark Side of Working in a Vet Clinic
They come hurt, sick, bleeding, and scared.
They are loveing, they are frearful.
They do not understand why they are here.
I hold them with loving arms as they shake and tremble
They long to go back to those they know and love.
Some walk in and come out healed.
Others never leave.
I help them move on from pain then.
They move on from the fear, and hurt in my arms as sweet posion takes their last breath.
The loved ones left behind often gather around the body then.
The body that has lost its soul and looks so small in death.
I stand by then knowing my job is not finished once the final goodbyes are done.
A black bag comes once loved ones have left the small body in my care.
Placeing the cooling body in the bag, goodbyes are said from one who has seen much life and much death.
This is the dark side of working in a vet clinic.