Dark Enough
I’ve always felt the need to be lighter
In my 6th grade they always called me black girl
They said my dark skin would never be as beautiful as their almond colored flesh
I believed them
Who could ever want to love a girl as dark as me
When I didn’t even love myself
I’ve always felt the need to wear weave
In 7th grade they called me bald head
They said since my natural short hair didn’t reach past my shoulders like their beautiful waves and braids back then
That I wasn’t pretty
And I believed every single word
I’ve always felt the need to act white
In 8th grade I transferred to a new school and got told
I’m not black enough
With my cocoa colored skin
And my short textured hair
People have always told me what I needed
teeth as white as snow
Eyes big and brown and full
But inside there was so much youth, sadness, hurt and confusion
Why are these people telling me what I am and am not
I thought to myself
How after all these years I’ve been told I’m not light enough for the people around me how could these people say that I am not black enough
How do I prove my blackness
How do I fulfill this need to be accepted?
They say I talk to white
That I don’t act black
My initial response is can’t you act a color
And if you could I’m certain I would be red
Like the need of crooked cops to kill
blood spilled from innocent teens shot to death because they were too black
I would be red like bathroom floors with girls sitting trying to scrape of the skin they don’t love anymore because they are too black
I would be red like ancestors stripped of their clothes and beaten to a bloody pulp
My great great great grandmother was an in house slave
Because she was light enough to be trusted
Light enough to not be as harshly punished but she was still black
She was still enslaved
Like our mindsets
Think about it, another boy or girl with skin as dark as tar
Or skin as light as caramel or almonds
Another boy or girl
Secluded by barriers will be shot, or killed or murdered or bullied
Or feel a need to strip off the color of their skin
For a new beginning
A changed fate
Who could live in a society plaguing its people
A manmade system
Feel the need to conform
But I won’t
So to the people in my 6h, 7th, and 8th grade class
I’m proud of my skin