As I stand before myself admiring my looks I say DANG GIRL, you flawless! But what does it mean to me? Flawless curves? No, but flawless nerves. Flawless thighs and my flawless mind. Say what you want about my flawless stunt I stay on 10 with my flawless grin.  
Little do they know that deep down I do not show how I've come a long way since my un- flawless ways. Me believing that being pretty only involves flawless jewelry and having everyone think that you're a flawless movie star.
Until I've came to realization that being flawless includes having flawless ambition. Charging towards the world and showing them that this flaws filled girl means business. A flawless mind full of flawless lessons about yourself and the world encircling your flawless aspirations. Keep in mind, you flawless girl. And never let anyone refrain you from your flawlessness. Short, chubby, tall, and thick we're all flawless under my flawless stick. 
Empower each other's flawlessness  until we have the world filled with flawless content. As I look myself again in the mirror, I see my flaws, I am no errant fool, but I thank God for making me this way for my flaws and all are what makes me flawless. So as I say it again... DANG GIRL YOU FLAWLESS!!
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