Dancing with a Ghost


United States
43° 18' 54.6516" N, 70° 56' 12.6492" W

She's dancing with a ghost
Alone save for a single spirit
And even that one soul is long dead
Wandering, a dead soul, long since lost

She can't feel a single touch
Not even the fabled cold
Nor a light static shock
She's dancing with a crutch

Despite the simple fact
She cannot feel the ghost
She knows it's there
Swirling around in the black

The ghost is dancing with the girl
He can feel her warmth
But not her hair
Which fell around her face in a perfect curl

The ghost had her in his arms
Sad that she was so alone
Save his own dead soul
Lacking any of the living's charms

The ghost twirled her around
Feeling the pain of the dead
The pain in his dead heart
The pain of the chains where he was bound.

In the dark they dance
Keeping their pains apart
Dancing in the dark
Wishing for one last chance

A ghost was dancing with a girl
A girl was dancing with a ghost
Swirling around in the black
The two the only precious pearl

Neither one can feel the other's touch
Consumed by the pain of death
Devoured by the pain that is life
Only having each other to try to clutch

The girl was dancing with a ghost
Soon the dance was over
The girl was consumed with the black
And so they danced, ghost to ghost.

She was dancing with a ghost.


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