
Tue, 01/30/2018 - 14:59 -- Locke1

She danced through their minds. Sometimes they noticed, other times it was just a whisper at the back of their thoughts.

Some became oblivious to her dance. Their minds took no notice to her grace, and they went on.

Some became afraid of her dance. They knew not what she was doing, and that ignorance frightened them.

Some became intrigued in her dance. They hungered for more of her spirit, and she gave to them. Until they were full, or she was done.

Some became entrapped in her movement. They fell prey to her charisma, soaking up every inch of sight they saw of her. And she let them, and waited.

But through all of this, she never meant for these things to happen. All she desired was knowledge. She craved the little pieces each of their brains offered. It was never about them. 

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