
Romans 1:20 New English Translation (NET Bible)

20 For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, because they are understood through what has been made. So people are without excuse.




When the Eternal time skipped a beat or two

and a speck of time became the temporal.

It smiled at its inception with a certainty

a creation offered an insight into parts of all.


In the miracle of wisdom, God showed so much glory

and the opportunity to shower in the fountain of His Love.

I guess we could not handle the freedom of His Likeness

and so became enslaved to thoughts straying from above.


Relying on details of past conversations

we proclaim to be masterly in history

as now through testing of internal matter

extract temporal from Eternal's own mystery.


What showed when Eternal froze into breath called temporal

and life that "was" forever became a receiver named extinct?

Just for a whisper in time “death” seemed the only to survive it

as life paralleled and compared somehow to a pen without ink.


The eternal day is not measured, but temporal breaks time down.

A week, a year, or whatever we use to scale on how long we live.

We talk about generations and we use these as some guidelines

to the moment where it started not comprehending this special gift.


We search by this standard into our past for an experience

as mankind wants to know what undergirded this past surprise.

and in guessing what was before even the trend of generations

although that guesswork was removed by the birth of Jesus Christ.


The bible states: “In the beginning” shows the start of the temporal

before that Eternal was … and stretches far beyond our understanding.

Not too long past "the beginning "… we received the Flood’s upheaval

 as we now discover and call factual, in today’s nature to be found.


It changed foundations of that had been made in the beginning.

Carbon testing starts here after the stratosphere’s water rained down.

It moved the protective layer and now there's the sun’s bright intrusion

as without interruption Ultra-Violet rains straight towards the ground.


So when we speak of many years guessing even in the millions.

The great Flood as we know moved nature towards decay.

The upheaval of the deep formed then the great continents

as it split and cracked the earth's crust in a supernatural way.


The heat and the pressures of the past underlying events

formed the fossils and precious stones as such during that time.

So when we do our testing nowadays we only know the present

days and not the way things were before in that day and time.


We speak of a million years ago as we run tests in temporal.

It just imprints man’s limits of understanding through the mind.

The issue than remaining is and the providence of knowing

that Faith in Christ spans the bridge for us, “All of the Time”.


Just remember that outside the “Beginning”,

Eternal is patiently waiting for the “End of Day”.

The end of the "Temporal" is when we leave our body

to move into forever and wherever in Eternity to stay.


Jan Wienen


This poem is about: 
Our world


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