Proverbs 29:9
9 If a wise person goes to court with a foolish person,
there is no peace whether he is angry or laughs.
Oh liberty! Look at you with a loose around your neck.
Shackles on my feet and you want me to keep singing.
Every day and night you simply stack the deck
against the ones, who earnestly to life are clinging.
You make me a slave to your interpretations.
You lock me up ... and throw away the key.
You call from afar to enjoy the celebration
as I drink from your empty cup that you beguiled to me.
Only time will tell ... the rights you gave to others.
The cream of the crud rules with powers of darkness.
Yes you did your thing ... why should we even bother
since you planned it all ... against temporary heartless.
Lawyers by the drove ... embracing one another
the self-appointed cream floating with the scum.
Interesting lives ... preying on the grief of others
feeding their deepest needs on the carcasses of the dumb.
Jan Wienen