
Three times a week,

For an hour a day,

Our horrible marriage was put on display.


Feelings come out,

And thoughts are spoken,

I leave with a heavy heart most times its broken.


Three times a charm for him didn’t work,

And this one too may end up in hurt.


Sometimes things are broken,

And can never be fixed,

Especially when you throw his kids in the mix.


The hours of tears shed,

And the painful thoughts,

Are forever in my mind like a ghost that haunt.


Zeus is arrogant, with a cheating heart,

And me Hera stays faithful doing my part.


The most powerful man,

 there ever may be,

With the smallest heart any woman did see.


I can’t go on,

Its and endless struggle,

Living this life is like fixing a puzzle.


I want to end it here,

Leave this marriage forgotten,

But its till death do us part and I see his coffin.


So goodbye Zeus,


You do and I’ll do me,

Because I’m Hera,

And I’m about to set myself free.




That's deep.

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