Coolness of The Wind
Felt as if my skin was burning
seeing those fiery pits of dark holes
Shivers running up and down the core of my spine
felt as if poison was dripping up and down through my blue and black veins
Those dark hole stare at me harsher than a vampire wanting its' preys blood
those black shiny marbles looking as light as an oxen's feathery fur at the end of its' tail
looking like the light that is placed within the center of the dark world
Becoming more divine as time passes by
eyes appearing to be more like an innocent child's
The darkness has gone
in place passion and thirst
My veins are thumping
on fire
the eyes are changing
Feeling of ice dribbling down my neck and back like on a hot summer day
The bumps form my blood cools
veins relax
Life around me becoming dim
All I see are the eyes calming me
soothing my body mind and soul
then it happens