Contingency is Me

Thanks MAN, I appreciate all that YOU just said, and so I should and WILL, take Your Words to ME, as what exactly YOU only right here, thinks of Me as true.

So for what it's all worth, and I hold that there, right here, in ME CORE, as My reason to keep pushing You back outta Me.

You think You got Me all twisted like a tasty pretzel, to Your cheezy ass finger licking good that I Am THE delight; For, I's is Who becomes so delectable.... well of course then, I must say, You've got another thing coming then, My Pardna!

You'll see Who can feed from Me is My choice.

Not Yours.

For when I find Myself at odds about MySelf, it's because SomeOne's here, that is pulling Me down and away from MySelf, to make Me be right with Them, instead of Me.

I see that You're that SomeOne.

Since You're the One Who said that You don't know how to act around Me, ever since all the while, I've changed.

Now You don't know what to think of Me, now I don't look right in Your eye no more?

Which stink eye You using to see with anyway!?

You, Who, tells Me how I should be acting.

But that act of Yours only makes beleive You, for Me, that all in all and after all.....

You don't have any act right, that You have meant for Me in the first place.

So to be, or not to be, You made sure I see, that I cannot ever be any kind of right witchU anyways.

And that's all when, Your intentions don't align with Mine is where the happs is not happening and I depart Me from You.

I'm essentially in removal of Me, so then what happens next is, You becoming a You problem, not Mine.

I Am the true value I hold Me now anymore, I'm never problematic towards Me, when I'm justly MySelf, I'm in My true BEing.

I intend goodness in My Life, that's where I find MY preferentially belongings at.

Preferably so is My best interest kept by only I, Who can ME KEEP... Me, the best and only.

For, I know what is written about Me because I write My narrative only.

Then You will see, Homie don't play that shit, I quite at childish games trying to be played.

I Am dead set serious as


fucking damn well sure as hell, always and forever WILL, claim Me with full accountability over Me, as Soley responsible propitious only to Me for


And I ain't about allowing Anyone and especially the likes of You, Who are WILLing, Your BEing here, with all Your kind of acts that You've directed towards Me.

As You're inward Me, so deep in ME, to stand here, and You want to tell Me Who I AM?

For why I cry?

Who da fuck She think She is to say anything about Me? I mean seriously?

All She be doing is telling on Herself every time She be here telling Her lies, on Me, only demonstrates to Me, MySelf, as I know Who I Am here... what?...

That She is the Person that's stepping out of line right here.

She is the One standing here right before Me, whereby finding HerSelf within and before Me, the Great I AM... here I stand.

For I AM all knowing of Self, My divinity keeps Me pure and free from anything that dirtys Our Life force.

And to lie on Me only forces all that I Am, to feel and to see, Who's WILLing on Me Their imposed WILL, only will She then surely expose the imposter, trying to be here with Me, as Me.

You are the unrighteous One, Who tries to carry on with Me in Your misaligned forked tongue.

And We can clearly see Who is the one that is wrong here, when You're trying to be all about Me, but You're truly only here for You.

And that's a disease I'm forcing right out, and I Am rightfully righteously defend My CORE from what's causing Me sores.

And there's nothing You can say or do about it.

Truly, I Am sorry that I Am not sorry that I can't feel sorry for You, because all the while, You've never been sorry for Me, but You are sorry only for You, in not having Me the way You want Me.... feeling sorry for MySelf.

Nope not ever will I fall victim, leaving Me in the land of sorrows where sorry is enough to get Me by, when I deserve so much more and I got up and go get it.


Ain't nothing You can do to take it.

For I know what You done all up in here when I bravely let You into My CORE, as it is Us here, Together standing in Me right here, right now, that felt all... and enough of the things You've done unto, with Me...

Gives Me the courage to see all the tell tail signs that You spoke was what told Me You feel nothing for Me at all.

YOU make it all the more easier to pick My Heart back up and fix Myself as I open the door to My Heart.

Now, I WILL tell, You to tuck tail so You can kindly leave, through and out of My Heart's door. Please and thank You. As...

I bid You adjourned and dismissed from BEing here within Me.

You are no longer allowed to be by MY greatness that is in the all, that I AM.

I can charge You from here.

For it is only here I can and do righteously stand.

On ME, as only I can.

I'm not in Your place of Heart, to where that You can tell Me, all where to stand.

You're in Mine and You're standing where You don't belong, on the throne of Who I Am.

This is not Your place to say anything about Me.

It's Mine.

I see You because in My WILL, is why I can and do.

Stepping all over Heart and laugh crying whispers all about it as much as You can.

No you cannot, for this is no longer Your Heart to carry on with You the way You have and do to ME.


With You, You do not deserve something so precious and pure Me.

So I AM entitled to take Lovingly Me, out of Your negligent hands.

If You do not give Me back to Who I really belong....

Is with Who is in Love with Me.......


And We will go to war witchu.

And then! I hope You realize, where the fuck You are!
And then! WHO the fuck You're, talking to!

The very next time You decide to say anything of Me, because as You stand there holding Me to Your contemptual satisfaction, that's a piece of Heart of Me there You're chewing on, My Love.

And Love is the most power One can ever hold over Me, to which I bow is always in Love, only WILL I kneel for.

Whatever You do to Me will be done to You, for I AM LOVE.

When You infiltrate Love You infiltrate Yourself.

So that's why I can say with My good concious, that I did string My Heart, for and to You, so that, I'm woven You inline Me.

While I'm strung out on You, it is during this time, is when the line You didn't keep You Yourself in, is where You timeline switched on Me.

So now I can only wish You well on Your journey, sent in My good WILL, to safe travels, and loads and loads of Your great bright Light as You traverse where no Man can go, deep into Your dark corners You go.

I know You'll be kept, safe in the Light You've bathed Yourself in Me, all for You.

And as I stand here and watch You go, glowingly with Your pure Light, off into the cold dark Your shadow's abyss... I pray for You always.

For You truly know Who You are and I do too.

When in the darkest of hours, when there's just a flicker of Your flame that You think You've got left, please don't You ever give up on You, because I'm right there with You.

Open Your eyes open Your Heart and place the palm of Your hand on Your chest right next to Heart, see Me as I see You, and there is where We are Together.... One and the same is seen in the Love, never lose the Love.

Because Love is Love and Love can never diminish therefore cannot be kept apart.

Come see Me, I'm right here with You, in the palm of Your hand.

For You've been a keeper of My Heart and that gives You the key right there.

Time travel to Me thru the Heart string timelines We met on and You will find warmth and shine.

Come warm Yourself by Me anytime You need to, I'm just a memory away.

That's where You can find Your strength in Me, because it's in You too in what We both know is Us, in this Togetherness and We can find the strength to carry on because We can see the truth in Heart of Our existence matters.

That is why We are here.

It is to serve One Another.

So know that You have to Live with Yourself to truly be alone with Yourself, because You'll find Yourself in Heart's solitude all You are.

Once You find Your Light bring it out, Yours with Mine.

Because I convict You with You what You should already know exists, since You've Lived it.

You are not, don't You ever think that You're a not.

That's never ever true.

You ARE what's true here.

As We both can see.


So You never have to walk alone, don't you dare think Yourself up to it.

Because Love can never be downed.

So grab hands and get up.

Fuel the flame of Your Light, the sweet cherished memories from My heart, the bits and pieces You hold right there in Your hand.

Take as much as You can until Your Heart's content, for infinite is Love, so You will never go starve Yourself of Love unless You truly didn't know, it's all around and in You.

So light up Your glow and go on into and thru the darkness, the rest of us are here cheering for You.

You got this My Love, believe Me You.

We are One and the same, so I'll always Love You as I Love My Self with such full discipline.

And Love has no fear, so neither should You.

Be safe in Your Light, as You journey thru Your shadows, You can because it's You...

You are Love and are well Loved.

Take this with You to remember all in Who You are.

God is with You and You're never forsaken child of God.

I Love You.


This poem is about: 
My family
My community


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