
Mon, 01/16/2017 - 15:48 -- Em_my15

Not everything is okay. Fact of life, people. And more and more I look around and see people try to redefine "okay." Or try to figure out the way the world is best run Or what's the difference between messing up and just having some fun There's no black and white- it's all just greyThe world is flexible, there's room for all- oh, you're going to pray? A lot more is accepted A lot more is rejectedAnd more and more I'm surrounded with people that preach- 

Do not judge 

Do not hate And don't you dare discriminate  But what about me? I don't think the same things you do I don't believe anything goes I don't believe this world is absent of a God Or the truth Or things from our past that are worth holding on to  And yet you turn on me I'm called an idiot A bigot A racistA hypocriteAn ignorant Bible-hugging redneck with her head in the sand and her mind in the past A privileged white girl whom God has blessed with money and a future and all else be damned  Don't criticise Allah, you'll offend someone, jeez! Oh, you believe in God? Sweetheart, please.  There's rights for all except for those that haven't yet been named Capitalists are the greedy spawn of hell except when you're pulling in the big bucks yourself We're behind in the world with our education so we should make everything standardised without procrastination and oh if they can't keep up they must be special ed- Evolution is fact- there's just no denying it. How dare you doubt science! How dare you speak out! I am afraid. I am afraid to stand with what I believe because all around me are the negative opinions of those that preach to believe what you want  I'm not admired for believing in something I'm criticised Villainised Called out and alienated As a hypocrite  And from my isolated perch of old-thought and morality Beside the rest of us Bible-loving Reagan-voting folk All I see from everyone around With their superiority and always-right attitudes Is a pool of melted down, sad, grey hypocrisy  And maybe I belong there too Maybe we all do We are all battering rams of opinion and right-ness So sure, stand for what you believe But never be afraid of those people who are always trying to knock you back down  

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