Conquering the World (with friends)
When nights and days become heavy,
and sleep seems more attractive, more soothing, than the real world.
I pull out my favorite memory.
Now, my sister's may be a party, or a large outing.
Sneaking sips of booze, and getting high while music blares.
But my favorite night was spent with
eight people.
Swimming, cracking jokes, and a board game.
I soon learned how difficult friends make
taking over Asia,
and just how swiftly, even my canary-colored army
could be strategically defeated.
Then dropping the defense dice for a midnight car trip
in search for some much-needed caffeine,
for trying to rule the world can become tiring for most.
And stopping myself while singing along to the radio,
to take stock.
All of us piled into a car, speeding down
a dark, tree covered road
with only headlights illuminating the path ahead.
With the windows down, and my hair
smacking the face of the boy next to me,
as the Gilmore Girls theme song plays at full blast.
And realizing that this is the greatest night of my life,
and how some games are just never meant to be finished.
So that the next time all eight of us are gathered together again,
we can bring up the game,
and playfully argue over who would have conquered the world.