Which way to go,
Which way to turn…
Im so confused,
Is it everything I should burn?
Make it all brand new
Start from scratch.
Considering I'm lost,
Is that my best match?
Chose one path over the other
One that's best for me…
So flummoxed
Which one may that be?
Can't have both…
A decision has to be decided...
I have no clue,
Why am I so double-minded?
At the spilt in the fork
Laying here in the middle of the road...
Left to ponder,
My prince derives from which toad?
Muddle and muck
Decisions makes me feel yuck.
Left to meditate,
Why does this have to suck?
Perplexed, somber, frightened
Lost in a lonely world…
Tears trickle down my cheek
Left with no one to hold.