With no one to talk to
I'm so confused
How will I vent to hold down the tears
For no one seems to be here
My mind is so dark and weird
With no one to talk to
I'm so confused
Myself I do not express
No ears to even hear the request
Maybe their are but... I shall not confess
With no one to talk to
I'm so confused
The lover says "I love you" is it truely meant deep down
Who knows, for the loved begins to frown
Lover and Loved seem now no so profound
With no to talk to
I'm so confused
What's after death?
Is it better than breath?
With mine eyes I wish to witness
With no one to talk to
I'm so confused
Obligation is a caustic knife
One shall use it or sucome to strife
Else it be used against life
With no one to talk to
I'm So Discordantly Confused