It took me a while to stand up and smile
And shine bright despite the crowds.
And although now I voice my opinions by choice
I haven't always been outspoken and loud.
There's a way to be kind while you're speaking your mind
And of that technique I am a fan.
For the point of being flawless is not being lawless
But in being as strong as you can.
See, I used to allow others to drown me out,
And I took what they said personally.
"No beauty, just brains," "No one cares about your name"
Pushed me down, made it hard to believe.
But one day I woke up, and I'd finally had enough
Of listening to jealousy and hate
Without a doubt I was beatiful inside and out;
Nothing would ever again stand in my way.
I cut ties with my demons, those who wouldn't stop screamin'
Every time I would make a mistake.
'Cause it happens, I'm human, but it won't be my ruin
I'm here to learn and improve anyway.
So if you want to try, break me down, make me cry,
it'll work, if you trust what you've heard.
But with confidence, my friend, I'll stand up again,
And belive that I'll have the last word.