Concrete Jungle

Streetlights and bight lights. Taxi cabs and trains. The concrete jungle, with its prevailing traffic and loud noises. The city streets are packed, everyone squashed together like rats or sardines in a tincan. Turn right, turn left, stop, go. We move with robotic precision. Always moving, destination: unknown. The rats and raoaches make a meal out of the garbage and waste left beind by those long forgotten. A city will see many faces, but they only become a memory, leaving long before anyone could get acquainted.. Tall buildings, no stars. Helicopters fly overhead. Their whizzing and zooming sound still in your ear as you walk by. Do I hear German.... Italian..... Polish... Russian? So many languages, slamming together into one long sentence.  The man in the taxicab usheres to people into a car. Always try to make a fast buck in the city. So easy to be robbed and mugged and life would not stop in the city. So easy to forget the people you walk side by side with one your way to work. Concrete Jungle, unending, big, loud and aggressive. Only the strong can survive here. Concrete Jungle motto: show no mercy.


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