Complete Division


United States
39° 36' 46.35" N, 84° 14' 56.2308" W

Complete division
How do two different entities collide

The being is torn into two
And both entities can not survive

One will always lose, while the other gains
And while one entity is sunny, the other will rain

A balancing act can be maintained
And for a short while in time happiness will sustain

But as time drags on it’s predictable to me
That the being will have to choose between these two entities

The being would like to allow one entity to embody it’s bones
While dismissing the other to be free and roam

Why they can’t both inhabit the being I may never know
The being is troubled, for it can not choose the entity in which to let go

The being is lost
And it’s head is at sea
The being couldn't choose which entity it wanted to set free
And the being couldn't choose which entity it wanted to be
Therefore two different entities live inside of me


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