The colors we hold

 A hysterical world

Conceal ourselves and those who are unique

Only one shade is seen 

A person wanting to blend  in

Comparing to others 

With a desire to be them

Disparate is no option 

Forcing their colors to match with others

Like red, orange, and yellow

Why must we try so hard?

We have our own colors

A hue

We are taught that we aren't to be honored

When we show our shades

But only when we look identical to the alternative

But what's so wrong with the shades we accommodate? 

The world, that's the problem

They covert our shades like the curtains on a theater.

A curtain that overshadows the intensity we all acquire 

The colors we hold



Made by Diana Lima



This poem is about: 
Our world



Everyone should be allowed to feel good and human in whatever color and shade God has made their skin. That's what this great poem is saying and the laments in it are real in today's color discrimination world. Bravo for your style and muse. Thumbs up.

Im a new poet here but have been writing elsewhere for ages so I invite u to review my latest poem too. Readers elsewhere tell me they enjoy my poems  lots so hoping u will too.


Thank you so much for your comment, If I may be honest with you, I was nervous about posting it but your comment was so pleasant!Thank you

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