Hello my name is Tyko I believe life
black dots orange suits
black in orange prison doors
mother and child right ,.
sunshine on back break beating down walk straight
orange black crowding fading saturated lack
every human deserves the sleeeeeeepy feeling
tilting back head hung and relaxed
sit in a chair and be there
Education A Right
between the eyes and CNN’s blind sight
living in poverty as waste prop
we wrote the book they cannot afford
shinny floors & prison doors electing conviction
reflecting reflection or so
be it
empty ness
“Have it Your Way” “I’m Lovin’ It”
12 eyes on faces 3“wife-beaters”
why do PeoPle SAY that
Bernie Connie
No STOP. A circle of life
a handy man - a real hands on guy
We Are I
one hand at work the other
my head pen pencil ink
gunshots wordsdrawn
dad’s mowing lawn while CNN’s on
Hello my name is Tyko What do I no