Color Me Human
I wish labels were for clothes and
Segregation of colors remained in boxes of crayons
That little children used to color their hopes and dreams
On a blank canvas of the unknown.
But if their skin wasn’t the color of that canvas
Their hopes and dreams become more transparent
Less solid
Less likely
Less known.
White privilege is a thing of the past
And remains a thing of the present.
“White” = “Right”
“White” = “pure”
White is safety from severe discriminatory acts for reasons unknown.
I,for one, am sick of it.
Black women fetishized
“Hey girl, you look like chocolate, can I have a taste?” as she walks by, head down no rebuttle
Men criminalized
“Boy, where are you going to in such a haste” pulled over as he walks, late to work
Both dehumanized. People who put more sweat, tears, and blood into our world through centuries of slavery and most still can't respect that. Their pain unacknowledged. Not seen as human
Hispanics trapped in the shackles labeled “drug lord” and “rapist”
They supposedly are all the same
Yet whites are the ones high off ignorance
Shooting up close mindedness in groups
Children getting second hand high
Picking up on the poisonous fumes, affecting their minds to act the way their parents do
On the drugs of racism. Discrimination, and the bitter, acidic taste of hate.
Muslims are automatically terrorists
Hiding automatics. Eyes stare at turbans and hijabs symbols of religion just like the cross, as they pass on the sidewalk. They think cruelly “where are the bombs at?”
But the deadliest of bombs are in their words
Causing the most destruction
All non-caucasion
races facing generalizations
Generalizing equals manifesting ignorance
equals racism
equals hate
equals crime
equals pain
equals destruction
Objectified! Criminalized! Fetishized! Dehumanized!
Costumes made to mock physical traits
To mock religion
To mock the race!
Still fighting for rights
Treated differently
Families fearing losing loved ones
Killed for the color of their skin
A lot not able to hear “I love you” again
Kids bullied in school and getting jumped for things they can't control
Asking “why?”
And their parents have to tell them they are not equal to the white men and women who walk the same ground as them.
They are not costumes
They are not unequal
They are not lesser than white
White is not greater than them
We are all meant to be equal!
What the hell even is white or black or anything in-between? Except a color? Why does it make such a difference in perspective? At the end of the day. We all are tired from trying to survive, to provide.
Our canvases are colorful: light and dark with different stories to tell. All valid.
If you say otherwise, still, think about this:
Take part of the life force
That pumps through our veins
From every person of color
And race
And tell me what's different,
What in this blood doesn't make them human.
The answer is nothing.
We all bleed red.
And enough has been shed.
So I ask:
Disregard the label of white
All of them
And replace them with human.
Because, at the end of the day, that is all we are, regardless.