Color has always mattered
No matter what goes on
But why?
When we were all created by the man in the sky
I may have a darker hue
Of skin than you
But you don’t have a clue
About what my ancestors went through
To gain just a piece of has been given to you
But guess what after all this I still don’t equal up
With someone of a different color
After all this time
They still refuse to let me shine
They keep me bound down in chains
While they scandalize my family’s name
Was Martin, Harriet, and Malcolm’s work in vein
Because now we throw around this degradable name
Do we truly know what this 5 letter word means?
It’s being used by us who should be offended by it
We use it as if we haven’t seen the documentaries on what our
Ancestors done for us
So I am taking out the time to discuss
How we need to become 1
I am sick and tired of watching the news
Seeing us fight against each other
When the person beside you should be your brother from another mother or your sister from another mister
We should join for the greater good of society
So let us catch hands
And try to lift up your fellow man
And remember who we truly and where we come from