How are we suppose to speak out for what's right
When it seems as if to peacefully protest is denied
So we haven't had the right?
To see past color was a dream
A vision past down by a king
But how color blinded are we ?
Maybe you say we come a ways
To being judged by the color of our skin
But how is it that people can not contain the power
Of a position they've been placed in.
Battered and beaten a mother's heart
Will remain broken
Her most precious gift stolen
Future for the black young man is hopeless
He was only armed with a future
Now that is gone.
Looking at today's society
Can we say this is progression
Rage for the lives lost
Anger embodies our emotions
But what did our ancestors strong for?
Smashing windows isnt going to bring breathe to a body
Tear gas isn't calming
I was taught to wrongs will not ever make a situation right !
A Black woman bares a male child
And will find it hard to sleep for the rest of the Childs life
Statistics show two black men will dies each week
By the hands of police unarmed
That means a lot of families are at harm.